The Eye P.A. Essential Bundle by MetaGeek is a promotional bundle comprised of the Eye P.A. and a WiFi USB adapter for 802.11ac direct packet capture. The Eye P.A. captures packets with only a standard WiFi USB adapter, and its visual packet analysis engine provides rapid recommendations to solve even the most challenging WiFi problems. You can lean on Eye P.A. to identify problems and recommend ideal solutions in just a couple minutes, so you can get back to focusing on everything else. The BUN-EYEPA is an indispensable bundle for WiFi engineers and troubleshooters.
Key Features
Measures WLAN network retransmission
Improve overall network throughput and capacity
Helps identify ”slow talkers” on your wireless network
Captures packets with only a standard WiFi USB adapter
Ideal for WiFi engineers, troubleshooters, and managers of complex networks